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CCR Rule Compliance Background Data & Information

AEP is committed to being a good neighbor by operating and maintaining our facilities to meet or exceed all environmental regulations and to protect public safety and health. This includes operating in full compliance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and state rules related to Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR). CCRs, also called coal ash, are the materials that remain after coal has been burned to make electricity.

EPA first established federal coal ash regulations in 2015 with the finalization of the CCR Rule. This rule regulates how coal ash is handled, stored, and maintained at our active power plants. In particular, the rule is designed to ensure the structural integrity of ash storage locations and to protect the nearby groundwater. The 2024 EPA Legacy CCR Rule expands the applicability of these requirements to ash storage at inactive power plant sites and other previously closed locations. AEP has a robust compliance program designed to proactively and transparently engage key stakeholders, as well as to ensure that ash storage sites are designed, operated, and maintained in accordance with all regulatory requirements.

Groundwater Monitoring

The CCR Rule is designed to protect groundwater. Included are requirements to establish a program to monitor groundwater near ash storage locations and, if necessary, implement corrective actions to maintain background groundwater quality for each site. At least twice a year, independent third parties collect groundwater samples, which are analyzed for the substances identified in the CCR Rule. Many of these substances occur naturally in groundwater. Independent third parties also will complete Alternate Source Reviews for any CCR storage sites where concentrations of any of those regulated substances are found to be elevated. The review determines whether factors other than the ash storage site may be affecting groundwater quality. As appropriate, AEP will undertake corrective measures to address the elevated concentrations, including proactively meeting with plant neighbors and community leaders to discuss the data and seek input before making a final decision as to what measures will be taken. Additional information on the design and results of our groundwater monitoring programs can be found on the individual facility sections of our website.

Structural Integrity

The CCR Rule is also designed to ensure the structural integrity of ash storage areas. It includes requirements for the design and siting of ash storage locations, specific standards for how these areas are closed, and requirements for monitoring and maintaining these sites after closure. The CCR Rule requires AEP to evaluate the design of ash storage sites and to develop written closure and post-closure plans for each. This information can be found on the individual facility sections of our website.