Site Location Analysis & Support
Your business's location is key to successful operations and overall growth. Find and compare the best options for your next location with our extensive site selection database of available industrial properties, including greenfield sites and move-in ready buildings.
Preview all properties or focus on our portfolio of AEP Bright Sites that are our most energy-ready buildings and sites.
Search AEP Bright SitesView All AEP SitesAEP Bright Sites include sites meeting or exceeding criteria for energy-critical facilities. These sites were vetted through a process including proximity to ample electric capacity, ample voltage, and property control. Our electricity transmission network stretches 40,000 miles – the largest in the nation. We welcome the opportunity to conduct a comprehensive site search above and beyond our online site inventory.
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Site Selection Process Steps
Our 7 Critical Steps to Selecting an Ideal Location for Your Business puts you on a proven path to success.
- Gather and define objectives and business requirements
- Determine and rank wants vs. needs
- Data collection and site options
- Evaluate geography based on your needs
- Comprehensive research support
- Analyze and present “long list” of viable options
- Available incentives
- Workforce supply and costs
- Utility availability and prices
- Cost of land
- Coordinate community and site tours
- Facilitate introductions and interactions with state, regional and local development partners, local officials, other utilities, and workforce development agencies
- Facilitate all aspects of final location validation
- Support critical incentive negotiations
- Ensure electrical needs are met
- Account management services
- Energy services
- Other resources to help your business stay competitive