Our employees are often called “heroes” when responding to power outages or restoring power after natural disasters. Brad Jarvis, Distribution Line Coordinator in the Muncie/Marion district, is just that – a hero. He is being praised for his actions after discovering a car crash and is the proud recipient of the American Electric Power Hero Award.
“I was once told that courage is a lack of fear, but that isn’t true at all. Courage is having fear and overcoming it,” said Scott Huebner, Indiana Michigan Power's Director of Distribution Region Operations. “What Brad did that day was an act of courage and heroism, I am very proud to be able to present him with this very special award.”

July 22, Jarvis discovered a car crashed into a power pole, with downed power lines, and a transformer dangling 2-3 feet above the car. Jarvis relied on his instincts and training to stay calm and assess the situation.
“There are cars all around and people getting close to the scene, so I parked my vehicle at an angle blocking the road,” Jarvis said. “I made sure someone had called 911 and I looked for sparks and smoke and got a grasp for where the power pole, power lines and transformer were – noting the hazards for myself and more importantly those near the crash scene.”
Jarvis also noticed a woman inside the car that had hit the pole. She was moving in and out of her car – dangerously close to encountering the low hanging power lines.
“I noticed the woman was limping, bleeding, and crying. I immediately tried to calm her, “Jarvis said. “I helped gather her things and put her arm on my shoulders and guided her out of the area. I made sure to keep her head down, so she was safe.”
Jarvis called 911 to inform fellow first responders of the energized hazard. He also called a fellow line coordinator to make the team aware of the crash and hazard. Jarvis then waited with the woman until medical help arrived.
For his courageous steps to save the woman’s life, Jarvis was given the AEP Hero Award.
“Everyday people pass by so many things focused only on their own interests,” said Herb West, I&M’s manager of Distribution System for the Muncie/Marion district. “The employees at I&M are of the caliber that they care, will stop to help and are always watching out for their safety and the safety of others. Brad Jarvis exemplified this and stopped that day, even on a day off, to make sure others were safe.”