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Required Internet Postings - Ohio

Internet Postings as required by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) Corporate Separation Rules.

Education and Training

The Office of Ethics & Compliance (E&C) of American Electric Power Service Corporation (AEPSC) has developed a training course, entitled “Ohio Rules of the Road,” that educates employees about corporate separation.  This course, which is conducted through an interactive website, summarizes Ohio’s corporate separation rules and illustrates those rules by describing example scenarios that AEP employees may face.  The course is provided to all AEP Ohio employees and any AEPSC employees located in Ohio.  Employees are required to complete the training within 120 days of being hired or transferring to a covered position.  Every three years, refresher training is provided to all covered employees (except those who took the training within the previous 365 days).  E&C maintains electronic records of employees’ participation in the course to ensure compliance with training schedules.